The planting continued last weekend at 5R Farm. I planted 10 raspberry canes that I dug up and potted from my garden in Portland last fall. Raspberries bear fruit on their second year canes, so we will be picking raspberries at the farm this summer. I also bought 6 blueberry plants at a nursery on the way out to the farm – an impulse purchase, but a fully justifiable one! We haven’t had enough good weather to rototill yet, so I had to go to Plan B for grass removal. I put down newspaper around the plantings and covered the newspaper with composted manure. This will smother the grass underneath over the course of the next few months and will keep the grass from competing with the plantings for water and nutrients. We put up a temporary chicken wire fence to keep the deer out, and this will be replaced with a more permanent deer fence in the next couple of months. Right now the priority is to finish building the new chicken coop, which is currently underway. The new chicks arrive on Friday so check back this weekend for photos of the new girls and boys, all 25 of them!